Achint Thomas is an artist with a passion for creating fine art landscapes, ethereal astrophotographs, and custom portraits. He lives in Canada and travels the world to create his art.
The flame and the horsehead - two brilliant nebulae on Orion’s belt
The Pinwheel Galaxy - a massive spiral galaxy twice the size of our own
Exploring the North America Nebula and its close neighbour, the Pelican Nebula
The California Nebula - a star-forming region in deep space.
A journey around the Veil Nebula Complex - the otherworldly remnants of the death of a star
Exploring the Crescent Nebula - a visually stunning nebula sculpted by a dying star
Exploring the Eagle Nebula, home of the iconic Pillars of Creation made famous by the Hubble Space Telescope
A peak at a mysterious slumbering dragon in space - the IC1396 nebula
A photo essay on a road trip to Pukaskwa National Park in Ontario
A look at one of the most beautiful regions in deep space - the Heart nebula
A look at one of our galactic neighbours - the Triangulum galaxy
The conjunction of Mars and Pleiades, the closest such conjunction in nearly 50 years
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Twin galaxies dancing around each other in space